I love free market.
However, I understand that we need compromise.
So when there are tons of deviation from free market, I tend to judge which one is the most harmful. Tolerate the harmless one in exchange of eliminating the truly harmful one.
How do I judge?
Market distortion.
Every government intervention is a form of market distortion. Minimum wage, maximum wage, etc. All are market distortion.
تاہم, there is one market distortion that is so big it affects our very existence.
Reproductive market distortion.
If that’s gone, everything else doesn’t matter.
We can buy all those welfare parasites big TV they always wanted and still lower tax for the rich. Yes. It’s win win. Both can happen if the rich breed more kids than the welfare parasite.
Now, imagine if you’re a welfare parasite. Do you really want to breed? All the pro choice arguments convince me that the poor don’t want to breed anyway. No body get hurts here. It’s government that wants them to breed and breed so they vote for bigger and bigger government.
We’re solving problem that we deliberately create.
That’s, the biggest distortion ever
Prohibition of Prostitution Violate the Sanctity of Our Freedom is a post from: فری مارکیٹ ہمیشہ