Laws Against Being Financially Responsible
Is there a law saying that black people can’t get a job? Yes. It’s called minimum wage. You know what Brad, we also have laws against chinese and latino from getting american job. It’s called...
View ArticleSome of What Karl Marx Write is Correct
Some of what Marx write is correct though. Marx says that capitalism has improved humans’ standard of living, true. Marx complain about money from workers are taken and given to political power and...
View ArticleSome of the Our Ideas
There are many pro legalization prostitution posts here. Actually this blog is not mainly about that. Here is the main ones: Main idea War should be replaced by politic and politic should be replaced...
View ArticleThree ways to see assholes
Actually there are 3 ways to see assholes 1. Assholes 2. He’s not an asshole, you’re the one that’s too dumb 3. Actually the asshole is right all along. It’s the way the game should be played in the...
View ArticleArticle 5
Here is another way to see this more clearly. Say someone is a serial rapist and murderers. We are cautious over whether we should put that one vermin to death. تاہم, there is a fate far worse than...
View ArticleScandinavian vs Capitalism
You’re right. In Scandinavian, for some reason, people actually care about each other, or I don’t know what. In Indonesia, giving money to government is like throwing money away. Actually government...
View ArticleProhibition of Prostitution Violate the Sanctity of Our Freedom
I love free market. However, I understand that we need compromise. So when there are tons of deviation from free market, I tend to judge which one is the most harmful. Tolerate the harmless one in...
View ArticleHow Should We Define Wealth?
People often ask about the amount of money you own. The thing is, ownership is a very vague concept that simply add confusion. What does it mean that I own my body, مثال کے طور پر? Can I smoke dope?...
View Articleکبھی کبھی مسلمان احساس کے بہت پڑتا ہے = most_read_module A controversial Muslim cleric who lives...
View Articleشہریت Tradeable ہونا چاہئے?
اسٹاک کی طرح? ہم جانتے ہیں کہ کیا کمپنیاں چاہے اسٹاک جاؤ اور نیچے کی بنیاد پر یا نہیں منظم کر رہے ہیں. Perhaps allowing citizenship to have market value will help people judge whether their elected...
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